Blog Overview

American Association of Suicidology Applauds the Biden Admin...

American Association of Suicidology Applauds the Biden Administration for Tackling Gun Violence Washington, D.C. (April 8, 2021) – The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) expresses its gratitude to the Biden...

Suicides Decrease in 2020, However the Full Picture is Still...

Press Contacts: Colleen Chris MaxwellDirector of Public Relations and Suicides Decrease in 2020, However the Full Picture is Still Not Clear Washi...

Largest National Suicide Prevention Conference on Track for ...

Largest National Suicide Prevention Conference on Track for Record Numbers Washington, D.C. (March 25, 2021): The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is proud to host AAS21, its 54th Annual Conference, April 2...

American Association of Suicidology Partners with Congresswo...

American Association of Suicidology Partners with Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman to Address Suicide in Black Communities Press Contacts: Colleen CreightonChief Executive Chris ...

American Association of Suicidology Planning First-Of-Its-Ki...

Contacts: Colleen CreightonChief Executive Chris MaxwellDirector of Public Relations and Washington, D.C. (November 12, 2020): The American Association...

American Association of Suicidology Welcomes Victor Armstron...

Contacts: Colleen CreightonChief Executive Chris MaxwellDirector of Public Relations and Washington, D.C. (November 3, 2020): The American Association ...

American Association of Suicidology Addresses Suicide Rate D...

Media Contacts: Colleen CreightonChief Executive Chris MaxwellDirector of Public Relations and Washington, D.C. (November 2, 2020): The novel coronavir...

American Association of Suicidology Dedicated to Finding New...

Washington, D.C. (October 15, 2020) – The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) has been a committed force in the area of suicide prevention and mental health promotion for US military service members and vete...

AAS Celebrates Passage of National Suicide Hotline Designati...

AAS Celebrates Passage of National Suicide Hotline Designation Act and Thanks Congress for Prioritizing Suicide Prevention WASHINGTON, DC (September 22, 2020): The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) applauds ...